Our Dies Market-Leading Range

Our extensive range of die technologies include:

Silicone Dies

  • Flat, Contoured, Crowned, Multi-Level
  • Single or Dual Durometer
  • Photo-etched and Machine Engraved
  • Die Finishing
  • Traditional and Magnetic Mounting Formats
Hot stamp engraved brass dies

Metal Dies

  • Steel, Brass
  • Flat and Contoured
  • Die Finishing
  • Traditional and Magnetic Mounting Formats
We Stand Out For
Precision + Efficiency
  • Tool-less die changeover up to 90x faster (restart production in under 5 minutes)
  • Up to 50% improvement in mounting accuracy (Magnetic Quick-Change Die Mounting)
  • Crowned, contoured and multi-level stamping with CNC machine engraved molds
  • Market-leading die capacity
Additional Benefits

CER dies provide:

Superior Formulations

For high-speed and long dwell time applications, our Thermosil® formulation provides heat recovery to the die surface required for reliable performance.

Superior Silicone-to-Metal Bond

In addition to die longevity, this provides superior repeatability from die-to-die.

Magnetic Die Mounting Systems (optional)

Toolless die changeovers in seconds while achieving up to 50% improvement in precision alignment.

Graphic Art Expertise

Our graphic arts experts- eliminate “lost in translation” errors when it comes to creating your artwork.


We can save you time by providing a completely “ready-to-use” die. Hole drilling, matching dovetail and special trims are some of our die finishing services.


Our wide variety of die formats allows CER to identify a solution ideally suited to your unique application.

Type Common Uses
Flat Vertical stamping, peripheral and roll-on applications
Contoured Decoration that precisely matches a contoured part
Crowned Eliminate air entrapment or to allow for heat sinks in plastic parts
Multi-level Accommodate small height differences in parts to be decorated
Type Overview
Single Durometer Dies ranging from 50 to 90 durometer to meet a wide variety of needs
Dual Durometer Enhanced capability to stamp combination of fine and bold graphics or better conformity to part variation
Mold Styles
Type Benefits
  • Near vertical side walls to allow for sharper edges on decoration.
  • Enables different reliefs in a single die to give strength to fine graphics and eliminate overstamping of large graphics.
  • Crowns designed into die graphics assist with complete die-to-part contact over bold and large decoration formats evacuating air with the most efficient use of pressure.
  • Most precise alignment to contour of a part
  • May achieve stamping of graphics positioned at multiple levels on the part with a single die avoiding multiple set-ups.
Silicone Rubber Formulations Hardness Character Height Rubber Thickness Aluminum Thickness
Ultrasil (Red):
High Heat Endurance
50-90 durometers available in all formulations (Shore A)

Dual durometer is also available

0.6mm reliefs standard 1.6 mm relief 15mm standard
Thermosil (Brown):
High Heat Endurance PLUS Enhanced Thermal Conductivity
60-90 durometers available 0.6mm reliefs standard 1.6 mm relief 15mm standard
Additional Benefits

CER dies provide:


Completely “ready-to-use” dies. Hole drilling, matching dovetail and special trims and more.

Market-Leading Fine Graphics

Detail as small as 0.1 mm point type on brass dies

Graphic Art Expertise

CER graphic art experts eliminate “lost in translation” when creating your artwork.

Magnetic Die Mounting Systems (optional)

Toolless die changeovers in seconds while achieving up to 50% improvement in precision alignment.

Type Common Uses
Flat Vertical stamping, roll-on and peripheral applications
Contoured Decoration that precisely matches a contoured part
Type Overview
Brass Brass dies are ideal for mid-sized production runs. They are less durable than steel but significantly more durable than magnesium. Brass is particularly well suited for applications requiring contoured dies.
Steel This is the most durable type of metal die and the most cost-effective for high volume applications. Steel dies are ideal for high volume production runs on consistent parts.
Type Benefits
  • Near vertical side walls to allow for sharp edge on decoration.
  • Give strength to fine graphics and eliminate over stamping with large graphics with different reliefs in a single die
  • Crowns designed into die graphics assist with complete die-to-part contact over bold and large decoration formats evacuating air with the most efficient use of pressure.
  • Most precise alignment to contour of a part
  • May achieve stamping of graphics positioned at multiple levels on the part with a single die avoiding multiple set-ups

Silicone vs. Metal Dies

Which die material is best for my application?

Here is a short answer- when selecting a die material, use the following guideline:

Rigid substrate →Flexible, rubber die
Flexible substrate→ Rigid, metal die

At a Glance:

Silcone Dies

  • High impact pigment, metalic, holographic or prismatic impact
  • More cost-effective than steel or brass
  • Less pressure required
  • Better conformity to slight surface variations
  • No plastic deformation around artwork area

Metal Dies

  • High impact pigment, metalic, holographic or prismatic impact
  • Embossed visual effect
  • Higher printing speeds
  • Longer life
  • May cause plastic deformation
Here is a much longer answer
Rubber Dies Metal Dies
Materials Available Various for specific applications – high temperatures, quick heat recovery, & high strength Magnesium
Average Die Life Contoured – X
Flat – 2X
Magnesium – Y
Copper – 4Y
Brass – 18Y
Steel – 20Y+
Surface Variations (sinks) Will Compensate No Compensation for Sinks
Variation in Material Thickness Will Compensate No Compensation
Set-up Time Quick Process Lengthy Process
Pressure Requirements 350 lbs. Per sq. inch (HS)
500 lbs. Per sq. inch (HT)
1000 lbs. Per sq. inch
Temperature Requirements 100F > Metal
(approximately 300-400F)
100F < Rubber
(approximately 250-300F)
Dwell Time 50% > Metal 30% < Rubber
Decorative Finish Foil/Transfer lays on top of substrate Imbeds foil/transfer into surface
Price Initial Set-up/Mold Charge
Die Cost < Metal
No Set-up/Mold Charge
Magnesium – $
Copper – 2X $
Brass – 8X $
Steel – 10X $
*indicates preferred material
Polyamide (Nylon)
PVC – Plasticized
PVC – Rigid*
UV Coating
Epoxy / Epoxy Coating
Polyamide (Nylon)*Polycarbonate*
PVC – Plasticized
PVC – Rigid
UV Coating*
Epoxy / Epoxy Coating
Die Experts
+33 (0) 4 74 73 26 34
Our expert die team has unique insights into high precision die creation. We make both standard and custom dies and are eager to learn more about your needs.
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